排行 股票名稱 收盤價 漲跌 買超(百萬)
1 3450聯鈞 16.1 -0.01 3,955
2 4979華星光 35.54 +0.03 3,147
3 8069元太 30.07 +0.16 2,268
4 6223旺矽 34.89 +0.02 1,824
5 2002中鋼 34.37 +0.2 1,676
6 6781AES-KY 31.15 +0.14 1,339
7 2301光寶科 38.11 -0.01 1,153
8 2884玉山金 263.5 -9 1,044
9 2377微星 182.5 -9.5 665
10 1102亞泥 286 +10.5 626
資料來源: https://tinyurl.com/mpn8ssx5
排行 股票名稱 收盤價 漲跌 買超(百萬)
1 2330台積電 1020 -20 2,351
2 2454聯發科 1470 -45 1,314
3 2303聯電 43.6 -0.1 625
4 2891中信金 41.05 +0.3 455
5 2308台達電 390 -12 410
6 5871中租-KY 129 +3 360
7 2603長榮 218 +2 311
8 2383台光電 626 -6 284
9 2317鴻海 170 -4 284
10 3034聯詠 547 +2 244
以上 謝謝
"When you live in the right way or you just given everything
to whatever you're doing, things happend organically and it's
not supposed to make sense but it just happens"
LeBron shares his fondest memories of Kobe