[花邊] Jalen Duren火鍋並單手抓下後一條龍快攻 @ NBA
https://x.com/omarisankofa/status/1895992331553349736 Duren snatches a layup attempt with one hand, goes coast to coast for the layup. THJ follows with a 3 while falling down. Pistons open with a 14-4 run. Duren has six points and five boards https://x.com/lucaskaplan_/status/1895992485211766913 Holy SHIT Jalen Duren https://i.imgur.com/lgJsFVF.gifhttps://i.imgur.com/s5O75Bd.gif心得: 運球技巧真的大幅進步
1F推aass5566: 噢這個之前我打系籃也可以這樣做
03/02 10:53
2F推ThreeNG: 帥爆!
03/02 09:28
3F推LoMing1021: 感謝Weaver換來我塞中鋒解答
03/02 08:42
4F推EZ78: 有想要投籃的都是火鍋 其他都是抄截 跟動作無關
03/02 08:50
5F推EZ78: 火鍋/抄截是看對手的動機
03/02 08:50
6F推jorden: 猛啊
03/02 08:52
7F推Miyanishi25: 貳柒大哥發錢
03/02 08:39
8F推axi: $
03/02 12:02
9F推baychi999: 傳的很好
03/02 10:41
10F推s80454: 多蘭!
03/02 10:38
11F推joystation: 好猛啊當2K打啊
03/02 09:20
12F推Hao83369: 對岸用語的抓帽我就覺得很貼切 像一個技能一樣
03/02 12:25
13F推ILoveNTR: 小魔獸帥啊
03/02 09:25
14F推johntwtd21: 帥
03/02 08:42
15F推FAYeeeeeeee: 帥
03/02 08:49
16F推Chang0212: 帥
03/02 11:17
17F推kingbar815: 感謝黃蜂為了馬威換渡輪
03/02 09:14
18F推ronert0975: 有夠猛
03/02 08:41
19F推yourmmaa: 滿帥的
03/02 08:37
20F推BallDontLie: 火鍋截球
03/02 10:42
21F推OsmanGo: 算火鍋+籃板
03/02 09:50
22F推eason239: 這傢伙2K很猛欸!護框神獸加吃餅機器
03/02 11:36
23F推Cishang: 這球真帥
03/02 08:59
24F推highwayshih: 這種直接抓下來算火鍋還是抄截
03/02 08:45
25F推cysticercus: 這鍋有點帥
03/02 08:35
26F推SeanLi1013: 錢
03/02 08:52
27F推WIGGINS22: 錢
03/02 09:00