[外絮] Bronny戰報:Rivals Week初登場 隱憂浮現 @ NBA
Bronny James Stats Tonight: Lakers give LeBron James' son first taste of histori c rivalry against Celtics in blowout win 來源:https://bit.ly/3Ek3biJ LeBron James' son Bronny James got his rivalry week debut on Thursday as the LA Lakers destroyed the Boston Celtics, registering an improbable 117-96 win. Bronn y was probably expected to see floor time during this contest, but many thought it would come as a result of a Lakers blowout loss instead of a win. LeBron James 的兒子 Bronny James 於週四迎來了他在rivalry week的首場比賽,洛杉磯 湖人隊以 117-96 大勝波士頓塞爾提克。雖然大家預期 Bronny 會在這場比賽中上場,但許 多人認為這會是因為湖人隊處於大幅落後的情況,而非在一場大勝中。 Not only that, but Bronny also entered the contest way earlier than expected wit h 3:16 left as the Lakers had a 108-82 lead, and the Celtics waived the white fl ag seven minutes left. 令人驚訝的是,Bronny 提早進場,當時湖人隊已經 108-82 領先,距離比賽結束還剩 3 分 16 秒,塞爾提克也早在比賽剩餘 7 分鐘時就已經放棄抵抗。 The No. 55 pick, however, had no impact on the box score. He took only one shot from midrange and missed it. Bronny was a +/- -1. 然而,這位第 55 順位的選手對比賽數據並無太大影響,他只出手一次中距離投籃,且沒有 命中,最終他的正負值為 -1。(查BOX應是-2) Bronny James stats: LeBron James' son has now missed 7 consecutive shot attempts with Lakers Bronny James 數據:老詹之子在湖人已連續錯失 7 次投籃 Bronny James' struggles in his less than handful minutes have continued on the L akers. The rookie has now missed seven straight shot attempts while playing in t he NBA, dating back to the Nov. 6 game against the Memphis Grizzlies, when he fa iled to make two 3-point attempts. Bronny James 在湖人隊有限的上場時間內,表現仍然未見起色。這位新秀自 11 月 6 日對 灰熊的比賽起,已經錯失了七次連續投籃機會,當時他兩次三分球都沒進。 Since then, he has had a shot attempt against the Trail Blazers on Dec. 8, the H awks on Jan. 3, the Wizards on Tuesday and the Celtics on Thursday. In that span , he hasn't played significant minutes, usually playing in losses or wins by hug e margins. Bronny has been active in five games this month, once in December and thrice in November. 此後,他在 12 月 8 日對波特蘭拓荒者、1 月 3 日對亞特蘭大老鷹、週二對華盛頓巫師以 及週四對塞爾提克的比賽中都有投籃機會,但都未能得分。這段時間內,他上場的時間大多 不長,通常出現在湖人大勝或大敗的比賽中。Bronny 本月已經參加了五場比賽,12 月參加 過一次,11 月有三次。 Bronny James has spent his time with the Lakers and the South Bay team in his ro okie season. However, he hasn't played in the G League since New Year's Eve. The No. 55 pick has been with LeBron James and Co. for nearly a month. 在他的菜鳥賽季中,Bronny 大部分時間都在湖人隊與南灣隊之間徘徊。不過,自從跨年夜 以來,他就沒有再在發展聯盟(G League)比賽中出場過。這位第 55 選秀的球員與 LeBro n James 一起已經待了快一個月。 That may hinder his progress which was seemingly on track after he had multiple double-digit scoring outings in the G League. Bronny looked more comfortable wit h game reps, helping his rhythm and conditioning. 這或許會影響他原本在 G League 時逐漸進步的狀況,那時他曾多次取得雙位數得分,並藉 由比賽時間逐漸找到自己的節奏與體能狀態。 - Bronny認真在南灣練功、還是直接上大隊,大家覺得哪個比較好呢?
2F推skunnyk: 31分了…
01/25 14:10
3F推hide0325: 一堆說選來練的我看都沈默了,G聯盟愛打不打的練個
01/25 11:01
4F推lagi5487: 不過就是很故意一直狂發
01/25 11:00
5F推allyourshit: 之前還只是南灣的背靠背不打 現在是連打都不打了
01/25 10:57
6F推fonder: 二寶的每天任務
01/25 10:58
7F推MDAISUKE18: 原來每日任務在這裡
01/25 14:43
8F推Sessyoin: 反正轉報導的幾乎都同個人 XD
01/25 10:53
9F推JKjohnwick: 垃圾時間都刷不到不如來台籃刷
01/25 12:14
10F推rayes: 未來基石幫你煎 簽完4年再4年
01/25 12:07
11F推rayarising: 每日一煎
01/25 10:51
12F推jimXiao126: 看到發文的就不意外了 怎麼樣都要挖出一個朗尼文不
01/25 10:57
13F推likeyouuu: 真愛每日告白
01/25 11:18
14F推fonder: 虐兒戰術,贏麻了
01/25 11:08
15F推MDAISUKE18: 說有比賽才發是誤會了什麼
01/25 14:44
16F推jimXiao126: 這樣每天發真的很有愛
01/25 10:56
17F推hide0325: 鬼
01/25 11:01
18F推fonder: 2寶負責捧,大寶小寶負責酸,然後2寶還可以主打受
01/25 11:08
19F推spi0303: 怎麼有人跟著這廢文罵人廢物= =?
01/25 11:16
20F推NPJ5566: 招黑
01/25 11:33
21F推bm1041644: 朗尼日報
01/25 10:51
22F推huikin2002: 樓主應該不會發31分的新聞>_<
01/25 13:53
23F推w2658741: 每日幫你煎
01/25 10:55
24F推Inori0912: 紅的喜氣
01/25 11:22
25F推KerLae: 維持下去之後就可以選上板主囉,先恭喜了
01/25 11:24
26F推birdman5656: 蹭
01/25 11:15
27F推rocku112: 難怪沒發31分新聞 笑死
01/25 13:59
28F推abbei: \幫你煎/ \就是煮/ \幫你煎/ \就是煮/ \幫你煎/
01/25 10:52
29F推jamescle23: \詹家日報/\詹家日報/\詹家日報/
01/25 12:37
30F推mjkblbjboth: 22表示沒梗
01/25 11:46
31F推pippen2002: Bronny認真在南灣練功? 有種刷個30分10版10助啊!
01/25 10:58
32F推a516013: Ccccccc怎麼知道?
01/25 11:07
33F推GleybeTorres: id正確
01/25 11:38
34F推rgntxjw: 他就是個廢物
01/25 11:12
35F推ccccccccccc: 他就真愛粉 你們姆斯的球衣可能沒有77多
01/25 11:03
36F推GimmeTempo: 你煎今天有一球隔扣欸 這篇太早了
01/25 13:41
37F推Weasley40: 唉一堆人只懂噓 不懂77用心良苦
01/25 14:30
38F推sky755190: 在垃圾時間還一球都投不進個人 一堆報導 可憐啊
01/25 10:53
39F推sawalee0811: 幫推 今天湖人沒打也有日報
01/25 11:23
40F推ppives: 應該要給他湖人先發,每場35分鐘的訓練才對
01/25 13:45
41F推K0RVER: 推
01/25 13:51
42F推ZIDENS: 支持上先發
01/25 11:11
43F推BerlinerBlau: 每日任務
01/25 11:36
44F推NBAMLB: 洗文成就(1/1)
01/25 10:51
45F推iNicholas: 湖人就不是簽他來打球的啊
01/25 12:56
46F推Addressg: 爸爸沒得酸只能棒兒子
01/25 11:03
47F推c27932589: 直接上先發好了
01/25 11:10
48F推a516013: 直接上先發最好
01/25 10:53
49F推allyourshit: 看來幫你煎真的吃不得一點苦 連南灣都不打
01/25 10:57
50F推joy2105feh: 真愛
01/25 10:56
51F推mp3w69: 真愛
01/25 10:57
52F推cysticercus: 記者懂個屁 我大布朗尼只要坐在場邊就是貢獻
01/25 11:14
53F推ZIDENS: 說真的如果國外沒一直發 77也沒東西發
01/25 10:58
54F推o0991758566: 這咖可以有每日戰報 哈哈哈
01/25 13:34
55F推to1322: 都是垃圾時間 王子如何打得好 有膽給先發 XD
01/25 11:16
56F推skunnyk: 酸酸真的被打臉打爽,在推文酸他有種得30分,然後就
01/25 14:10
57F推hbkhhhdx2006: 酸酸組合技啊
01/25 11:17
58F推WIGGINS22: 雖遲但到
01/25 11:09