maths 玩擲銀...h or t..概率
hist 開巴黎和會..€~我們是法國.
reader~有人觀堂...討論故事...= =''
oral..又讀詩了..~~f1 做到現在.
sh!sh baby's sleeping
I said, Sh Sh. baby's sleeping!*2
What did you say?*2
I said , Hush Hush. Baby's sleeping!*2
What did you say?*2
i said please be quiet, baby's sleeping!*2
What did you say?*2
i said shut up shut up ! baby's sleeping*2
not anymore
Big Mouth john brown
who did you see? I saw John.
John Who? John Brown.
I can't hear you. I said John Brown.
I can't hear you. I said John Brown.
I can't hear you. I sad John Brown
I said John Brown, John Brown, John Brown.
What did he say? Who?
John Brown. John Brown?
Yes, What did he say? he didn't say anything.
nothing? not a word.
i don't believe it.*2
Big mouth John Brown didn't say a word? Not a WORD.
i don't believe it.*2
Big mouth John Brown didn't say a word?
Big Mouth John Brown didn't say a word.
it was raining raining rainging hard.
It was falling on my head.
it was falling on the stars.
it was falling on the sun.
it was falling on my shoes.
It got soaking wet. *2
But i stayed outside. i stayed outside.
the rain was sweet.
the rain was warm.
the rain was soft.
it reminded me of home.
It was raining rainging rainging hard.
it was falling falling falling on the stars.
It was raining rainging rainging hard.
it was falling falling falling on the stars.
Soft rain. raining raining.
sweet rain. raining raining.
Sweet soft (raining raining)
warm rain (raining raining)
Sweet soft (raining raining)
warm rain (raining raining)