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      韻嫣 寫於 2006-01-16 編輯  
my opinion ~money

Dear Editor,


I would like to voice my opinion on how do people think about money.


In the real society, whatever you need or want, money could improve all of them. So, some people say “the matter which could be improved by money, in fact it is not a problem”. Money has already been the most important thing in the people’s mind.


The trend of the times, money is a necessity. People base on money to award a person personality. However, it is not fair. If you ask the teenage what they are studying for, they will constantly answer you “for having a good job, and earning much money”. Not to blame them that they haven’t dreams, they were only forced by the true society.


It is impossible for people not to woo money. But at least, not to persist with money, not to measure with money. I think money is not really the first importance which needed in our life.


Yours faithfully,

Winnie So

Leung Shek Chee College


2006-01-16 20:54:01 | 刪除 |
【版主】bwsky 於 2006-01-17 17:38:07
2006-02-09 10:37:51
Have a words.Say so of:have no money can't..I think: have a lot of money ideas are what society instills uses..Study the teacher and will teach us since the childhood:be good friends with to like to study oh, growing up can earn much money..So.....How to do??
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