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      ★☆思穎^^☆★ 寫於 2004-05-25 編輯  

you're like a rainbow!! you're a happy person, young at heart enjoying the little things, like talking for hours on the phone, or going shopping. your light attracts people to you, you're popular, fun and pretty. you see things in a positive way and often try and help out people if they need it. friendly and caring you're a good friend to have, and expect little in return...

留言表情: 驚 臉紅紅 昏 狂暴 哭哭 崩潰 讚美主 水汪汪 倒地 失魂 擦汗 水草舞 阿彌陀猴 不要啊 翻桌 咦 打瞌睡 笑裡藏刀 嘲笑 害羞扭扭 萬年奸臣 畫圈圈 bingo 掰掰 苦惱的煙狂 三八萌 幸福御守 好夢 淒涼 印堂黑黑 跪拜禮 頭暈目眩 愛的轟炸 搞自閉 打小人
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